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Makeup book - Makeup instructions for teenagers using natural cosmetics


Get an insight in how to enhance your youthful beauty with natural cosmetics and mineral makeup without looking overdone. Discover several ways to boost yourself and your natural beauty with useful tips by a makeup artist.

We`ve all had this moment where we woke up and nearly got struck when we first saw our face in the mirror. Is that a pimple just upon my nose? What´s going on with these panda eyes? What are these red spots? No way I´m leaving the house like that! I need a miracle, now! Oh wait… or just a good make-up?

This book might be just the thing you’ve been waiting for.
Suitable for beginners between the age of 12 and 20 years, this book provides an straightforward and quick introduction to:
You will be taken by the hand and get all information you need to do a perfect matching make-up in just a few steps.

This book provides answers on: 
How to create magical effects with colors!
How to obtain basic knowledge for a perfect make-up!
How to neutralize impure skin with concealer!
Which colors you should absolutely avoid!
How to become self-confident with a beautiful make-up!
How to avoid mistakes at make-up application!
How to create an simple make-up in just a few steps!

And a lots of Makeup DIY Recipes, basic Face charts and  much more!

Skin and powder:

Who told you to mattify over and over again to prevent your skin from being shiny? It’s just about the right make-up! This guide provides insider tips that will teach you about the usage of natural make-up. Sounds like magic? Try it yourself!

Good for your skin - Good for you!

I will explain step by step how to apply mineral makeup and natural cosmetics to create a natural look that will keep your complexion glow all day long. I put all my know how as a professional make-up artist at your service. So let's get started!
The decision is yours now. Nothing to lose but to obtain knowledge about your dream make-up! 


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